Why did Bioshield bet on colostrum in Biozin Kids?
Immediately after birth, the best your baby can get is colostrum. Colostrum, or first milk, contains valuable proteins and antibodies and comes a few days before the real milk comes. It protects your baby's body from infections during the first 72 hours of his life. Its quantity is quite scarce, but very valuable in terms of content. Your baby will get a lot of valuable substances from frequent swallowing of this yellowish liquid.
Because of its properties, colostrum is often called "liquid gold"; it supplies the newborn with useful nutrients, but also supplies a large amount of living cells necessary for your child's immunity against harmful substances. You may notice the presence of such milk around the 20th week or fifth month of pregnancy. But it doesn't necessarily happen to every woman. Human placental lactogen is responsible for this process.
On the other hand, real milk contains a lower concentration of antibodies, but a significantly higher amount. A baby is constantly acquiring disease-fighting properties while being breastfed.
Colostrum is useful because it is low in fat, rich in proteins, carbohydrates and vitamin K. Moreover, it is good for the baby's tummy. Colostrum helps the baby's digestive system to start functioning. It acts as a natural, 100% safe vaccine. The immune agents that are found in colostrum are much more compared to mature milk.
The first milk protects the baby's digestive tract, colostrum seals the permeable openings of the intestines and prevents foreign bodies from entering them.
It has a laxative effect and helps the baby pass meconium (a black, sticky substance in the intestines). Excess bilirubin is flushed out of the system, thus preventing jaundice. Colostrum also has a high concentration of leukocytes, protective white cells that destroy harmful bacteria and viruses.
Buy Biozin Kids Syrup with colostrum for your child today and take care of his healthy and carefree childhood.