Michigan Flu Attacks - How to Protect Yourself?
The new "Michigan" virus strain, which in terms of symptoms and complications is close to the pandemic swine flu, is expected to sicken dozens of Bulgarians in the coming winter months. The peak of the disease, according to experts, is expected at the end of January and the beginning of February 2018.
Elderly people over 65, those suffering from diabetes, as well as those with chronic or heart diseases - should be especially careful, because this flu often leads to complications such as bacterial infections and pneumonia.
The best prevention, as with all other viral diseases, remains the vaccines and accompanying preparations to strengthen immunity. Doctors advise as many Bulgarians as possible to be immunized or to start taking immunostimulants right now, in order to significantly reduce the risk of illness and its subsequent complications. Even from a purely financial point of view, the treatment of the flu is many times more expensive than a vaccine or an immunostimulant. The above calculation also dispels the absurd myth that doctors emphasize the benefits of vaccines and immunostimulants for purely commercial purposes and in the interest of the pharmaceutical business.
The symptoms of the "Michigan" virus strain are characterized by a sharp deterioration in the general condition of those affected, while in the case of seasonal rhinoviruses and adenoviruses, it is rather gradual in nature. High temperature and physical exhaustion are also characteristic, and they are accompanied by a painful headache and a persistent dry cough.
With any of the above symptoms, experts advise to visit your personal doctor immediately and in no case hope that we will be able to get rid of the virus. Self-medication and contact with other people should be avoided at all costs, for our health and that of those around us.