What are the differences between a cold and the flu?
Have you ever wondered, “How do I tell if I have the flu or just a cold?” Here are some practical tips on how to tell the difference between the two illnesses, because the symptoms of a cold and the flu are definitely different.
Symptoms of the flu:
- The flu comes on suddenly – symptoms develop within a few hours.
- You feel pain all over your body, this is usually accompanied by a fever.
- Headache, fatigue, cough, sore throat and runny nose are also possible.
- Sometimes vomiting or diarrhea accompanies the flu, but this usually happens in children.
And here are the symptoms of a cold:
- It usually develops slowly over several days.
- A sore throat and cough may occur, but not necessarily.
- A runny nose, which may be accompanied by a headache if the sinuses are inflamed.
- There is usually no fever or joint pain with a cold.
And if the diseases are different, the prevention is the same. Biozin Kids strengthens the immunity of the fragile children's organism and ensures that it is strong and resistant to both diseases.
What treatment should be given for flu-like conditions?
- Be sure to stay at home and rest. Bed rest is the best recipe for dealing with the disease. When energy is used up, your body becomes weak. Now is the time for him to regain his strength and fight the virus.
- Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
- Do not consume alcohol because it can increase dehydration and weaken your immune system.
- Don't smoke - it's not good for your respiratory system, especially with respiratory diseases.
- You can take pain relievers (but don't give to children or teenagers) for headaches or muscle aches.
- Avoid contact with other people. Be in a separate room and if you can, use a separate bathroom. Wearing a mask can also help keep you from spreading the disease to those around you. But some studies claim that a mask used by healthy people does not protect them and may actually give a false sense of security.
- Some doctors prescribe immunostimulants such as Biozin Kids, which can shorten the course of the disease by a day or two if the drug is given within the first 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. But note that the dose should be different from the prophylactic one.
- Without antiviral medication, you are expected to recover in about five days. Yes, that means you have to rest for five days. Stay home if you have a fever or think you may have the flu. Sick people can spread the flu up to five days after the illness. A rule of thumb is to stay home for 24 hours after the fever is gone (without taking fever-reducing medications). This gives the body another day to recover. However, if the cough or stuffy nose is not completely gone, you can still infect others.