What we don't know about colostrum - the invaluable ingredient of Biozin Kids
Colostrum is the most important food a newborn can receive from its mother soon after birth. It is a thick, yellowish milk that is secreted by every mammal in the first few days after birth. A factor that makes colostrum invaluable to newborns is the high concentration of antibodies that are vital in preventing disease. Another factor is the high concentration of calcium, potassium, proteins, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals and antibodies.
Colostrum helps the newborn cope with many diseases up to four months of age. Ideally, calves should receive milk from their mothers within three to four hours of birth. If they do not receive milk within eight hours of birth, they are exposed to serious health problems throughout their lives. Studies prove that there is no food for newborns as nutritious as mother's colostrum, even for humans. Babies who are not breastfed soon after birth can develop serious physiological and mental disorders as they grow. Colostrum produced in humans is low in fat and rich in carbohydrates, which help the baby's health. it provides the baby with antibodies and leukocytes that help the baby fight off certain diseases. To top it all off, colostrum is extremely easy to digest, making it the ideal first food for a baby.
When the milk produced in the mother's body from colostrum becomes normal milk, the level of total protein, fat and density decreases and lactose increases. Thanks to its myriad benefits, many mothers choose to give their babies a healthy dose of colostrum over other possible sources. In such cases, bovine colostrum can be a good alternative, as colostrum derived from cows is not species-specific and resembles human colostrum.