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How does colostrum strengthen immunity?

Losing weight

How will the yellowish liquid affect someone who wants to lose weight? For starters, it improves metabolism as well as thermogenesis and shrinks fat cells. Another important thing to know is that colostrum helps maintain and improve our muscle mass, which our body uses to burn fat. It also contains hormones, such as a protein called leptin, which suppresses appetite and promotes fat loss. Most people who diet or take diet pills go through several stages of weight loss. The first thing lost in many products today is water weight, then lean muscle mass and finally fat. With colostrum and leptin, our body retains its core muscle mass, so when we lose weight, we lose fat and inches. And when we do lose that fat, our improved muscle mass will help us keep it off. Here is the answer to why colostrum is so important and how it helps us lose weight and keep it off.

Maintaining immunity

Colostrum also contains a large palette of different immune factors that help us fight disease, prevent and quickly recover from injury, and protect against infection. As we grow older, our immune system becomes less effective, making it harder for our body to protect itself. Another consequence of a stagnant immune system is that it becomes less effective at eliminating toxins that build up in our body over time. Having an effective immune system is extremely important if we want to stay healthy for a long time. Again, colostrum provides us with yet another benefit to our health.

Anti aging

Colostrum has a number of metabolic and anti-aging factors that help keep our bodies healthy and young. It contains insulin, which supports active cell building, improves bone mass, increases skin elasticity, improves nutrient intake and overall tone. Many people who take colostrum notice clearer skin, less wrinkles and more energy.

Colostrum is a dietary supplement introduced to the market in 1995. Practitioners of Ayurveda (an ancient Indian system of natural and holistic medicine) have always used colostrum in their experiments. This happened even before the first antibiotic was produced. In the mid-20th century, colostrum was used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. It was also used to treat polio.

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