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Anti-colic medications and their effectiveness

Colic drops - The active ingredient in anti-colic drops is simetocone. What it does is that it helps the baby to release the gas trapped in his tummy. With simethicone, tiny bubbles of foam come together to form larger bubbles. This makes it easier for the baby to burp. One thing to note is that simethicone helps to release the air in the tummy, but not in the intestines. As you can ascertain, you use this medicine because you think your baby is swallowing air while feeding. This may be true, but it may not be. If you think this is the problem, here are some methods you can use to reduce the air your baby is swallowing while feeding: change the bottle teat to one that lets out less liquid and feed your baby in an upright posture. However, simethicone is relatively harmless with almost no side effects, however, its efficacy is also questionable. But not every baby responds to this kind of medicine. Translated with (free version)

Anti-colic water - its base contains herbs and sterile water. The standard herbs used are cocha herb, caraway, ginger, chamomile, fennel and mint. These herbs help the baby by soothing his entire digestive system. Herbal water has been a favorite among mothers for many years. Those who use it believe that the baby has stomach discomfort and this causes the colic. When buying such water, you should pay attention to the ingredients. Make sure there is no alcohol, bicarbonate of soda, artificial sweeteners, flavors and colors. Essential oils and herbal extracts should be produced according to WHO standards. If not properly diluted, they may prove to be painful to the child. As with anti-colic drops, the effectiveness of herbal water depends on how the baby will react to them. Some parents call it 'magic water', others consider it useless. Others say herbal water works for parents because it contains alcohol. Now that most are alcohol free, they don't have the same effect. It can be a bit of a challenge to give the water to a newborn with a spoon. The best option is to give him drops. In the end, the question of whether or not the anti-colic water is effective is still up for debate. Translated with (free version)

If you go to the doctor and hope that he will prescribe you a tried-and-tested medicine for colic, you may be disappointed. There are many anti-spasmodics and sedatives that can be prescribed but are not suitable for your baby. Most doctors will advise you on other methods to solve the problem of colic.

In medical circles, there is still no exact explanation of the cause of colic. As such, there is no magic colic remedy that is equally suitable for every colicky baby. Among parents, the most common opinion is that colic occurs due to an excessive amount of gas in the baby's tummy. If you pay attention to the anti-colic medicines mentioned above, they refer to soothing the baby's tummy from the accumulated gas. But colic is not always caused by stomach discomfort. Therefore, the use of drugs does not always help. It also depends on how the baby will react to this type of medication.

There are many ways to deal with colic. Often, finding the right drug requires trying different solutions. If you decide to use some medications or natural methods, make sure you discuss it with your pediatrician beforehand.

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