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Cough syrups - to give or not to our children?

During the virus season, many mothers prefer not to visit the pediatrician in case their child has a common cold and in many cases self-medicate. There are also people who say that the drugs do not work, on the contrary - they keep the cold longer, worsen the patient's condition even more. Generally speaking, they do more harm than good.

It is good to emphasize that cough syrups should not be taken for the most harmless cold and should be chosen very carefully.

Cough protects the air passages from irritants and dark secretions produced in them. Many of us cough once or twice a day to clear our airways of our surroundings. In the presence of excessive irritation (such as an allergy or inflammation such as asthma) or an infection has occurred, the cough begins to bother us. It will start to interfere with our sleep or while we exercise and start to scare us, especially if it is accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath or chest pain.

A cough is usually defined as dry or wet. A dry cough means inflammation. If the cough is accompanied by mucus, irritation and phlegm, it is called a productive cough. If there is an infection, the sputum is greenish in color, grayish or even brown. In case of allergy or viral infection, it can be transparent or white. In more serious conditions, the sputum may be mixed with blood.

Medical treatment of sick children

Colds and flu cannot be treated with antibiotics because they are not caused by bacteria but by a virus. Some over-the-counter medications can quickly deal with these symptoms. But it is more reasonable to choose medicines that are specially made for the age of your child. If you are not sure, ask a doctor or pharmacist.

If your child is a baby or teenager, paracetamol and ibuprofen containing medicines specially designed for babies and children will relieve pain and reduce fever.

If the child is between three months and six years old, syrups containing lactoferrin, и коластра for example would be most appropriate for this age.

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