Biozin advises how to protect yourself from colds and flu during the winter months
The best thing you can do to support your immune system is to get enough rest and to take the right immune booster in the right doses. Your body can't fight germs without getting the energy it needs.
Another reason we get sick during the holidays, believe it or not, is all the goodies and goodies. Eating biscuits, cakes, chocolates and sweets does not supply our body with the vitamins and minerals we need to be healthy. Broccoli, pumpkins, oregano, yogurt, clams, green tea, garlic, ginger, red peppers, turmeric, are foods and spices that have been shown to have a positive effect on the health of the immune system. So put away the candy and focus on eating the right foods for this season.
It's clear that when it's cold and snowy outside, we often put exercise on the back burner. It's hard to work out at home and stay motivated in the winter. However, this is another factor that can affect your immune system. By keeping your body in good shape, you help it fight infections and keep you healthy.
So, if you have the opportunity and want to protect yourself from a cold, try to strengthen your immune system - choose Biozin Kids for the children and Biozin tablets for adults.
If you already take immune boosters but want something extra, taking a good multivitamin can help keep your body in good health. Having a healthy immune system is a sign that your overall health is good.
What causes the common cold?
Scientists, doctors and researchers, as well as ordinary people, know that what causes the common cold can be one of 200 different viruses. We know a lot about rhinovirus, which grows easily in a laboratory environment, but corona viruses are considered the biggest cause of cold symptoms.
Can overheating or cooling be the cause of a cold?
It is considered a myth that excessive cooling leads to colds. Studies have shown that people who have been chilled are as likely to catch a cold as people who have not been chilled. However, if a virus enters the nose, most people will contract a viral illness.
When is cold and flu season?
It is believed that colds occur most often in autumn and winter. The flu epidemic is usually at its peak during the winter months - December, January and February. Although cold weather is not the cause of the common cold and flu, experts believe that most flu conditions occur in the winter because people spend more time indoors, where the virus can spread more easily. Rhinovirus seems to survive better when there is low humidity.
What are the symptoms of cold and flu?
The viral infection causes symptoms similar to those of a common cold - stuffy nose, runny nose, cough, chest and joint pain, fever. The throat and sinuses can also become infected. The symptoms of cold and flu are often similar, and it is difficult for a person to judge for himself which of the two diseases it is about. What we can distinguish from the flu is the fever, muscle aches and high fever that usually occur in cases of the flu.
Can immunostimulants protect us from colds and flu?
Most studies show that taking vitamin C, Zinc or immunostimulants that contain these and other natural ingredients such as Biosin can improve the body's immune defenses and significantly reduce the number of colds and flu.