13.51 лв.

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13.51 лв.

ТРИПТОЗИН е източник за организма на: L-триптофан -400mg, магнезий – 16,59 mg , витамин B3 – 0,91 mg и витамин B6 – 8 mg



Read this leaflet carefully before you start taking TRIPTOZIN.


– Not to be used as a substitute for a varied diet.
– If you have additional questions, you can contact your doctor or pharmacist.
– Do not exceed the recommended daily intake (RDA).
The remaining ingredients of each tablet are:
emulsifier: microcrystalline cellulose; hardener: calcium phosphate; stabilizer: magnesium stearate
Contents of the leaflet:
II. Purpose of TRIPTOZIN
III. How should TRIPTOZIN be taken?
IV. Who should not take TRIPTOZIN?
V. Special Warnings
VI. Storage of TRIPTOZIN


SEROTONIN is a neurotransmitter that helps maintain mood and makes us feel good. Low levels of serotonin can cause feelings of lethargy, fatigue, apathy or stress and reduce concentration and mental performance.
L-Tryptophan is metabolized into SEROTONIN.
L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid that cannot be synthesized by our body and must be taken directly with food or as a food supplement.
Direct intake of L-tryptophan improves the efficiency of serotonin synthesis and its release over time in brain structures.
What benefits does TRIPTOZIN give us?
• L-tryptophan
• Synergistic effect
• Витамин В6, витамин B3 и магнезий, които улесняват синтеза на серотонин.
When is TRIPTOZIN recommended?
• When feeling tired
• Fatigue and/or lack of energy
• Apathy (loss of interest)
• To overcome situations such as smoking cessation, excessive workload, work and family problems.

Purpose of TRIPTOZIN.

ТРИПТОЗИН е източник за организма на: L-триптофан -400mg, магнезий – 16,59 mg , витамин B3 – 0,91 mg и витамин B6 – 8 mg

How should TRIPTOZIN be taken?

It is recommended to take 2 tablets a day (except for other prescriptions) with a glass of water - if possible, 1 tablet half an hour before breakfast and 1 tablet half an hour before lunch or dinner.
The action begins with the first intake. A noticeable result is achieved after the first week.

Who should not take TRIPTOZIN?

Not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. Store in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.
It should not be used as a substitute for regular meals.
Exceeding the daily dose is not recommended. Consult a doctor or pharmacist if you are taking other medicines.

Special warnings

The simultaneous use of TRIPTOZIN in patients treated with SSRI* or MAOG antidepressants should be done under medical supervision. If TRIPTOZIN is used together with any of these medications, for example for short-term therapy when switching from an SSRI or MAOI to TRIPTOZIN, a doctor's consultation is mandatory.
'SSRIs (serotonin reuptake inhibitors). *MA01 (monoamine oxidase inhibitors).

Storage of TRIPTOZIN.

To be stored at room temperature, out of the reach of children.
Do not expose to direct sunlight.
Do not use after the expiration date or if the integrity of the package is broken.

Additional information

Weight 23 kg
Dimensions 12 × 24 × 35 cm


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