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Effect of lactoferrin in preventing preterm birth: a pilot study

The immunomodulator Biozin Mama of the company "Bioshield" OOD is the only product in Bulgaria whose active ingredient is lactoferrin. The product is intended for pregnant women. The lactoferrin in Biozin Mama is the subject of ongoing scientific research. Along with the already established and well-studied mechanisms of lactoferrin related to iron metabolism (iron deficiency anemia) and general immunomodulatory functions (virucidal, bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects), research is being carried out to specify and expand the scope of the specific benefits of lactoferrin in pregnant women.

The clinical pilot study below is looking at additional effects of taking lactoferrin for:

  • normalization of the vaginal flora
  • dealing with vaginal infections
  • lowering the risk of premature birth.

Effect of lactoferrin in preventing preterm birth: a pilot study

Giunta G, Giuffrida L, Mangano K, Fagone P, Cianci A
Department of Maternal-Infant and Radiological Sciences, University Hospital G. Rodolico, Catania, Italy. Molecular Medicine Reports [2012, 5(1):162-166]


Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein of about 80 kilodaltons, belonging to the transferrin family, with known bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties. It is produced and stored in specific (secondary) neutrophil granules and released by neutrophil activation and degranulation. Nowadays, lactoferrin is successfully used therapeutically in an indication such as the management of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women. Research shows that lactoferrin plays an important role against cervicovaginal infections by reducing the levels of cytokines (such as interleukin-6) in cervicovaginal secretions. The aim of this preliminary study was to investigate the effectiveness of lactoferrin in preventing preterm births caused by cervical infections.

From November 2009 to August 2010, 21 pregnant women (26-32 weeks pregnant) aged 22 to 36 years, suffering from iron deficiency anemia, at high risk of preterm birth, were consecutively included in the study. One group of 14 women received oral lactoferrin 100 mg twice daily before meals for one month. The other group of 7 women received 520 mg of ferrous sulfate once daily. Women undergo a transvaginal ultrasound to determine cervical length and tunneling, vaginal swabs are also used to check for infections, and cervicovaginal fluid is collected to determine the level of interleukin-6.

Results indicated an association between oral intake of 200 mg of lactoferrin daily with normalization of vaginal flora (disappearance of vaginal infections) and reduction of interleukin-6 levels in cervicovaginal fluid in women at risk of preterm birth.

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